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New Davis and Third-Party EnviroMonitor-Compatible Sensors

New Davis and Third-Party EnviroMonitor-Compatible Sensors

The list of sensors that are supported by the EnviroMonitor continues to grow, making the system even more customizable to the specific needs of growers. Our latest additions include our own Sonic Anemometer, all Davis sensor suites (both cabled and wireless), and John Deere soil moisture probes.

Sonic Anemometer


The Davis Sonic Anemometer has no moving parts – it measures wind speed and direction with electro-acoustic transducers that send sonic pulses back and forth. The time it takes for the pulses to travel from one transducer to the other is affected by the movement of air. Speed and direction can then be calculated, with calibration for air temperature. The Sonic Anemometer has its own solar panel that charges an internal battery. It can be used with an EnviroMonitor Node, or as a replacement anemometer for your Davis weather station. It can also be installed in a Sensor Transmitter to create additional wind stations when reporting to WeatherLink Live.

All Davis Sensor Suites


With the introduction of the EnviroMonitor IP Gateway , we were happy to be able to add all Davis sensor suites, including all Vantage Pro2 wireless sensor suites and Vantage Vue sensor suites. The IP Gateway can receive data from either cabled or wireless sensor suites.

John Deere Soil Moisture Probes

We’ve added several John Deere soil moisture probes. John Deere is a trust name in the ag community, and we are pleased to be able to support these high quality probes. We are constantly adding sensors to our list and are interested in hearing from growers who want a specific sensor added.

You can see the entire list of supported sensors here.

Davis Instruments, and AEM brand

In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.

Learn more about AEM and all of our solutions here.

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