Davis is on the road: Riding the frequencies at Hamvention
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.
Many ham radio operators depend on Davis weather stations to enhance their hobby and their contributions to emergency services organizations.
One ham radio operator said, “While I enjoy my pastime, I think other ham operators and I provide an invaluable service, especially when it comes to nature’s fury. Organizations like the National Weather Service don’t have the resources to provide real-time weather data in specific areas, such as on a particular street, which is often helpful if not essential for making well-informed safety decisions. I believe the information we provide translates into better warnings for the public, more accurate predictions on where a tornado or hurricane is going to hit, and a better take on the strength of the weather event.”
Davis was proud to again exhibit this year at Hamvention®, the world’s largest amateur radio gathering. Hamvention was held May 18-20, 2018 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Ohio.
In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.
Learn more about AEM and all of our solutions here.